
Zinc is crucial for helping to heal wounds and boost immunity, and it also supports a healthy blood supply. In other words, it’s a mineral
bodybuilders should emphasize through diet and supplementation. Zinc also supports sleep quality and recovery after hard workouts, and it
improves your body’s ability to use calories you’ve consumed for fuel rather than shuttling them to storage as fat. Zinc plays three main roles in
your body, all of which are crucial to muscle growth and development. Zinc accelerates muscle building chemical reactions, stabilizes protein
structures and regulates your hormone levels. Functions like these help the muscle protein synthesis process that kicks in after a resistance
training workout.

Zinc is involved in hair growth and keeps the oil glands around the hair shaft working properly. Zinc plays an important role in hair tissue growth
and repair. It also helps keep the oil glands around the follicles working properly. Zinc is also believed to play a crucial role in DNA and RNA
production. This is required for the normal division of hair follicle cells, leading to healthier hair growth. Zinc also may help keep hormone levels
balanced, which could be one of the reasons why it is so effective in preventing hair loss. There are even a few outlying studies in which people’s
grayed, aged hair returned to its original color when nourished with zinc-rich diets or hair growth supplements. As a bonus, zinc for hair growth
may help eliminate dandruff on the scalp as well.

Where you can find it: F-XFC, F-XFC+, F-SLIM LIFT, F-MUSCLE FACTOR, F-HAIR, F-ACN.

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